Dyson x Erdem
Hair stylist: Anthony Turner
Anthony Turner called on the Dyson CorraleTM straightener’s ability to style anywhere, at any time with Erdem staging its SS21 show from the remote location of Epping Forest. Limited access to power when styling on-location is a common occurrence for many a seasoned stylist, yet armed with the full-performance, cord free capabilities of the Dyson CorraleTM straightener this problem is solved.
Anthony recreated a modern and textured take on the signature dishevelled bun of Lady Emily Hamilton – a character of great gumption from the novel ‘The Volcano Lover’ who rose to become a powerful political player. In the shadow of the volcano, Lady Emily is a force to be reckoned with, unrelenting in the face of adversity.
Anthony curated the striking updo style with Dyson’s latest professional technology, beginning with the Dyson SupersonicTM hair dryer and scrunch drying to create a natural kink. Hair was then brushed through before adding texture. The Dyson CorraleTM straightener was used to add curls and S waves to add enhanced movement, before the bun was fixed in place and headband added.
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