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Frequently asked questions

Can this product be used on any sink?

The Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry hand dryer is compatible with a majority of sinks. For confirmation and further information, please contact 855-720-6378 to speak to a Dyson Expert.

What is the difference between the Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry and the Dyson Airblade Tap hand dryer?

The Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry has improved control over water usage and is quieter with improved energy efficiency.

Can Dyson support with the installation of this product?

Yes. Please contact our Dyson Experts at 1-855-720-6378 for support.

  • 1 Dry time determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 using a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
  • 3 HEPA filter tested to IEST-RP-CC001.6, by an independent testing laboratory, under prescribed test conditions.
  • 4 The environmental impact of electrical appliances and paper towels was measured by Carbon Trust. The calculations were produced using the software Footprint Expert Pro, based on product use over 5 years and using weighted averages of individual countries of use. Dry times for product were evaluated using DTM 769.